November 09, 2020

How I'm Working for You

Hello Folks –

I hope you are all keeping safe, staying well, and managing these challenging times. With COVID-19 cases on the rise nationwide, I want to remind folks to continue to do your part to help slow the spread of the coronavirus; by wearing a mask, washing our hands, and watching our distance when we can, we can all step-up for one another.

It has been an exciting (and occasionally excruciating) week in our democracy. I know there are folks who are happy about the outcome – and there are others who are disappointed (and some folks are just happy that it’s over). But I hope we can all celebrate the extraordinary participation we saw this year as a sign of the health of our democratic republic. And we should all root for the success of our nation and for more civility.

I look forward to working with President-elect Joe Biden and with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to unite our country - and build a better future for all Americans.

Now, on to more news…

Serving You

My number one priority is serving you. As your representative, it matters to me that I remain accountable, accessible, and responsive to your concerns. That’s why, over the past two years, my team and I have been working harder than ever to be there for you, to get back to you, and to help you solve problems with federal agencies. I’ve worked to hear your concerns, thoughts, and ideas first-hand – especially amid this unprecedented public health crisis and economic downturn.

So, I thought I’d share a quick list of some of the highlights from this Congress:


Everyone on Team Kilmer is committed to helping folks in our region every way we can. I value opportunities to hear from you directly and to make sure you are treated fairly by our government. So, if you have a concern, or an idea or you’re looking for my opinion on, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I want to hear from you. I’m committed to getting back to you, to helping you as best I can, and to making progress for our region. 

Making Government Work for You

When folks have an issue with a federal agency, my dedicated and experienced casework team (who makes up half of my entire team here in the district) is here to help. From ensuring federal agencies respond promptly to constituent requests, to holding agencies accountable when folks have not received the benefits that they have earned, to other matters, our team is focused on making sure government works for you.

The importance of this work has only grown over the past 8+ months as we’ve worked to address the many challenges that COVID-19 has presented to folks in our neck of the woods.

Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to chat with several constituents from across our region about the work that our team has done. Hopefully, by sharing these stories, more people will learn about the types of assistance our office can provide. Then, if you or someone you know has an issue, you can reach out to us so we can lend a hand! My team is great at solving problems (but we can’t solve problems we don’t know about!). 

Check out their stories below and click on the photo to view the video over on Facebook.

Making Sure Military Families & Veterans Get the Benefits They Have Earned and Deserve

I’m deeply grateful for the amazing, patriotic Americans who serve our country. Among them are Tom and Jennifer Jensen- retired service members who weren't receiving proper coverage from the benefits they had earned and deserved. When they called our office facing an incorrect and problematic debt bill from the federal government, our team went to work to find a solution for their family.


Helping a Family Solve a Complicated Immigration Issue

When Tony's mother got sick, his family had to find out how to get her the stem cell and plasma transfusions she desperately needed. That meant bringing family members over to the United States—a process that can sometimes get complicated. Tony called our office for help and our team worked diligently to ensure she could get the care she needed.


Assisting Small Business Owners with an Outstanding Debt to Make Sure Their Business Could Continue to Thrive

Elayne and Steve are small business owners in Kitsap County who were experiencing difficulties getting paid by the federal government. They had large, outstanding invoices. So, when we got a call from Elayne, our team went to work to ensure they received the payments they were owed so they could keep employing people and keep their small business running.  


Ensuring a Retiree Received the Benefits They Earned

After 51 years of service, Bill retired from the shipyard earlier this year (thank you for your service, Bill!). Unfortunately, in the middle of this pandemic, he couldn't get the federal government to provide him with the retirement package that he had earned and deserved. So, Bill called our office and our team got to work to ensure that the federal government started delivering the retirement that Bill needed to support his family.


These are just a few of many examples. Over the years, my office has worked with thousands of people throughout our region and helped to resolve a range of problems. While we cannot guarantee a favorable outcome in every case (and we are only able to take on cases that fall within the scope of a federal agency), we will always do our best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your problem.

You can reach out to our team for help here.

Working for You

Protecting Quality Rural Health Care

For nearly 70 years, Olympic Medical Center has provided quality care for residents on the Olympic Peninsula (I was born there nearly 47 years ago!). The work OMC does has been more important than ever in the midst of this pandemic! I had a terrific virtual visit with some of the team at OMC. I appreciate their continued commitment to building a healthy, resilient community.


Working to Provide Relief for our Tribal Communities

I enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with President Sharp and the Quinault Indian Nation Council to hear about their efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and support Tribal members. I'll keep pushing for further COVID-19 relief that honors America’s sacred trust and treaty obligations. Proud to be a partner!


Creating More Jobs on the Peninsula

As someone born and raised in Port Angeles, it means a lot to hear that business is good over at the McKinley Paper Mill. With over 130 employees, the team is hard at work boosting our region's economic growth and creating opportunity for folks throughout Clallam County. Thanks for what you do!


OK – that’s it for now, folks. As always, I’m honored to represent you.

